And she was...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pick meme!!!

20 years ago I . . .
1. met a little Chinese girl named Flora
2. stuffed water balloons in my swimsuit at my pool party with Julie
3. got a brand new wardrobe of fabulous 80s fashions to start off Jr. High in style

10 years ago I . . .
1. took out my first loan (to buy a car)
2. got my first paying gig as a stage manager
3. found out my advisor had done a crappy job of advising me and it was going to take another year to get my BA degree

5 years ago I . . .
1. lost my grandmother
2. dealt with my mother's breast cancer scare
3. spent my birthday in Maui

3 years ago I . . .
1. went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
2. wondered what to do with an unemployed boyfriend
3. bought my first computer (all hand-me-downs before that)

1 year ago I . . .
1. saw U2 twice
2. went to Argentina
3. got hooked on Firefly

So far this year I . . .
1. got a new job
2. became a Reiki practitioner
3. visited a pregnant Flora

Yesterday I . . .
1. agreed to marry someone (as the minister)
2. talked to Julie about the time we put water balloons in our swimsuits at the pool party
3. got a massage

Today I . . .
1. volunteered to read to second graders (which I do every week)
2. found out a dear relative is going in to hospital
3. am meeting a friend for drinks after a (hopefully successful) interview

Tomorrow I will . . .
1. wear jeans to work
2. figure out what to grill for dinner
3. attempt to fix an electrical outlet on my own (I've been reading)

In the next year I will . . .
1. visit a non-pregnant Flora and little Kara
2. catch up on missed episodes of Gilmore Girls on DVD
3. increase my 401K withholdings


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