And she was...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Fever

The sun came out the day after the ballgame just to be annoying.

Usually spring does make me a little crazy but I guess I'm settling down in my old age because this year it seems to have only manifested itself in a need to clean my house. Have I sunk to the cliche of spring cleaning? Ugh.

But I did venture out to the garden store and got lovely new flower boxes for the balcony off the bedroom. Which lead me back in to the bedroom where (after watching too much What Not To Wear) I attacked my closet. Two bags to Goodwill later I was ready to move on to the laundry closet which is now completely organized and there isn't an item of clothing that needs to be washed left in the house. I peeped into the guestroom and stopped myself from repainting the headboard in there for the 4th time only because I didn't want to go to Home Depot. I got half-way down the stairs with the vacuum and all the fancy attachments before I was finally overwhelmed.

So I called Steph and Paul who saved me by meeting me for sushi. That seemed to break the cycle.

Now we're on day two and I need to finish the rest of the house. Lookout pantry! Here I come.


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