And she was...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

This is all true...

I have a love/hate relationship with, we all know that. is love. much love. For they delivered unto me three, count 'em three new (to me) Eddie Izzard DVDs. Finally I have Definite Article, Unrepeatable, and Glorious. I already had Dressed to Kill and Circle. Now if I can get Sexie (the only tour I was lucky enough to see live) I should have a complete set. Damn...he can be quite HOT!

AND to make life even happier I read that Eddie has been cast in a new movie. Yay!
It is being directed by Julie Taymor. YAY!
It is a musical using BEATLES SONGS!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!
It also features BONO!

***We interupt this blog to inform you that your author's head has just exploded. We will return you to your regularly scheduled nothingness***


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