And she was...

Monday, July 10, 2006

World Series Time!

The POP CULTURE world series!

I'm just working a quick blog to make sure we're all rooting for PDX 503 who made it on to the next round this evening.

I'm sure I would kick ass if I were to go on this show (seriously, I want Neel and Quinn on my team) but I'd get stuck picking out a team name...too..many...options!!!


  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Julie said…

    ok, I got to see the beginning of an episode the other night - it started at 1am (maybe later) so I only saw the first few rounds.
    Those questions were easy!!! It must get harder, right?
    Even the ones I didn't know I used logic and got them right - ex: The guy on (some reality show) now plays The Temp on what sit-com?
    Never saw either the reality show or the sit-com and I was correct when I guessed "The Office."
    I vote me as your understudy for Neel or Quinn (or you).

  • At 3:29 PM, Blogger Courtney said…

    Ok, I took the bait on this too. See my blog.

  • At 4:46 PM, Blogger What is flora? said…

    What?! You mean you wouldn't want me on the dream team?.. i'm really, i mean when what's his name sang the lyrics to that song that went...well, whatever! :P

  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger Julie said…

    I have now seen a full episode and want to back out of the team. The first time I saw it I was listening to it, falling asleep in bed.
    Now seeing it... the lighting is awful! No way do I want to be seen on national tv with uplighting!

  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger K-Lyn said…

    It's all part of the plan to unnerve you, man! What better way to disarm someone that with bad lighting and public humiliation!


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