And she was...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I saw a film today, oh boy!

OK, so really it was last Wednesday I saw it but I'm just now getting ready to blog about it. Across the Universe didn't do terribly well with the critics (51% on Rotten Tomatoes) but then the reviews were a VERY mixed bag. Let's just say this is not meant for a mass audience. In fact, I was suprised to see it playing at the local neighborhood theater as I thought it would only be showing at the art house know the one with the "it's not a movie it's a film" attitude. But this was less of a film as theatre. Eddie Izzard fans will rejoice. Bono fans will snicker. And the Beatles fans? Well, they are the only ones who will get all the jokes. Quinn and I had a grand time but then weren't sure who else to recommend it to (besides Julie). So if the trailer seems intriguing and you think you might like mostly likely will love it. However, if you look at it and are confused or roll your eyes, it is probably best you stay away. I, however, am so buying this movie. I might have to hit it one more time in theatre (perhaps a McMenamin's so I can have a beer with it) as there was just too much to look at.

And yes, Quinn, I did have a nightmare about "She's So Heavy", you?

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  • At 1:26 AM, Blogger Neel Mehta said…

    How did the audience take it? I still remember sharing a row with some married couple for Moulin Rouge! The husband would audibly sigh or groan when the classic rock pastiches started.

    With that film, you're either on board or you're not. He was not.

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger K-Lyn said…

    What audience? We went to a movie theater in the 'burbs on a Wednesday Night at 7:30 to see a movie version of a Beatles musical...I think there were 12 of us there. And at least 2 left. Another few were antsy as I recall some leaving and returning but didn't pay them much attention. But at least two other parties were on board. Although, Quinn and I were alone watching the credits.

  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger Courtney said…

    K, no actual nightmare, although I've been singing to myself for days. Spouse didn't see it, but through the transitive property, I've got him humming along.

    N, I think the Moulin Rouge comparison is apt here. You've got to be willing to accept what it is and go with it. I adored it.

    Plus, pretty people! And part of it is filmed at Princeton! Which led to me to turn to K and say, "Is this filmed at Duke? No, Princeton."

  • At 1:24 AM, Blogger Neel Mehta said…

    Small theater crowds can be amusing.

    When my sister and I saw Chicago, there were only 12 people in the screening room. And when John C. Reilly started singing "Mr. Cellophane," 3 people got up to take a bathroom break.


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