And she was...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pick meme!!!

20 years ago I . . .
1. met a little Chinese girl named Flora
2. stuffed water balloons in my swimsuit at my pool party with Julie
3. got a brand new wardrobe of fabulous 80s fashions to start off Jr. High in style

10 years ago I . . .
1. took out my first loan (to buy a car)
2. got my first paying gig as a stage manager
3. found out my advisor had done a crappy job of advising me and it was going to take another year to get my BA degree

5 years ago I . . .
1. lost my grandmother
2. dealt with my mother's breast cancer scare
3. spent my birthday in Maui

3 years ago I . . .
1. went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
2. wondered what to do with an unemployed boyfriend
3. bought my first computer (all hand-me-downs before that)

1 year ago I . . .
1. saw U2 twice
2. went to Argentina
3. got hooked on Firefly

So far this year I . . .
1. got a new job
2. became a Reiki practitioner
3. visited a pregnant Flora

Yesterday I . . .
1. agreed to marry someone (as the minister)
2. talked to Julie about the time we put water balloons in our swimsuits at the pool party
3. got a massage

Today I . . .
1. volunteered to read to second graders (which I do every week)
2. found out a dear relative is going in to hospital
3. am meeting a friend for drinks after a (hopefully successful) interview

Tomorrow I will . . .
1. wear jeans to work
2. figure out what to grill for dinner
3. attempt to fix an electrical outlet on my own (I've been reading)

In the next year I will . . .
1. visit a non-pregnant Flora and little Kara
2. catch up on missed episodes of Gilmore Girls on DVD
3. increase my 401K withholdings

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Chance of showers

Flora and Eric are having a baby!!! Which means it was shower time this weekend:

We can't wait to meet little Kara! Congratulations and best wishes!

Monday, April 17, 2006

You say potato...

An imagined conversation from Spring Training...

Unidentified Person: So how do you say your name again?
KJ: Kenji Johjima
UP: OK, so that's Kin-gee Jo-ja-MAH?
KJ: No, Kenji Johjima
UP: OK: Kin-JEE JOH-ji-meh?
KJ: Um, closer: Kenji Johjima
UP: KEN-ji Joh-ji-MA?
KJ: Kenji Johjima
UP: KEN-ji Joh-JEE-ma?
KJ: (to himself) Can I go now? I'm hungry and Ichiro promised to take me out to dinner as soon as I was finished here (out loud) Yes!!!!

Two months later, a different UP overhears a Japanese broadcaster speaking about Kenji JOH-ji-mah and figured out that we've all been saying it wrong for two months. DOH!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

more blogging to come

I'm just plain too busy for this blogging business. By the time I get some time to blog and a computer with access to do so I'm usually so tired I just give up. But that could soon change as MetroFi just won a bid to build a Wi-Fi "cloud" here. Rock on.

I certainly have questions on the feasiblity of it all...I'd like to see some financials and details on how and where the antenae will go up, etc. Still, I dig the idea of bloggging from here: here:

or here:

Friday, April 07, 2006

Your best points indeed

Someone felt the need to post this so I feel the need to point you to it as I'm certain you wouldn't go looking on your own. I know I stumbled upon it.

Ok, boys and girls, let's look at this 1977 Fredricks of Hollywood catalogue and see what we can learn. The descriptions are the best!

We've sure come a long way baby.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What IS in a name?

I'm dipping my toes in the fantasy baseball pool. But I need a name for my team. Suggestions so far:

Kristy's Kremes
Kristy's Krew
Cake Sniffers

My first idea was the Banana Sluggers so that's what we are at the moment but I don't have to nail it down for another couple of days.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Game On

I'm off to meet Julie at Safeco with all the hope that is inherent in Opening Day.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring Fever

The sun came out the day after the ballgame just to be annoying.

Usually spring does make me a little crazy but I guess I'm settling down in my old age because this year it seems to have only manifested itself in a need to clean my house. Have I sunk to the cliche of spring cleaning? Ugh.

But I did venture out to the garden store and got lovely new flower boxes for the balcony off the bedroom. Which lead me back in to the bedroom where (after watching too much What Not To Wear) I attacked my closet. Two bags to Goodwill later I was ready to move on to the laundry closet which is now completely organized and there isn't an item of clothing that needs to be washed left in the house. I peeped into the guestroom and stopped myself from repainting the headboard in there for the 4th time only because I didn't want to go to Home Depot. I got half-way down the stairs with the vacuum and all the fancy attachments before I was finally overwhelmed.

So I called Steph and Paul who saved me by meeting me for sushi. That seemed to break the cycle.

Now we're on day two and I need to finish the rest of the house. Lookout pantry! Here I come.