And she was...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I heart Portland

Even our graffiti rocks. I have a framed photo I took in college (not spray paint, my guess was charcoal or something because it didn't last all that long) that was a slab of granite that simply said "I like you". Awwwww. I never thought I'd find something better. But I did.
The newest addition I see every time I walk over the Hawthorne Bridge to go to paddling practice. (YES, I'm STILL paddling...We have lights. And coats). Tonight I remembered to bring my camera. Just as you begin crossing from the west side you see this:

And then about 3 quarters of the way over you see this:

Not to mention as I was taking the second picture I was passed by a biker (we have ever so many) who didn't yell in typical fashion but said politely
"On your left, dear"
Yes, my dear Portland, you are so cool.



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