And she was...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Oh, the weather outside it frightful

So the report said freezing rain sometime after 4 but the snow started just after 1. So after a blustery walk to Fred Meyers the cat and I are happily ensconced in the condo for a long winter's night. At least I'm hoping a long one and that a delay or (dare I dream) closure of the office will add to it. Some random cooped-up with myself comments to share so far:

1. Having a fireplace in the bedroom ROCKS! Upstairs is much warmer than down so I'm camping out up here. I probably won't be happy when I get my gas bill but now it's pretty freakin' awesome.

2. Oregonians, myself included, are just not prepared for blizzard type weather. My Canadian genetics told me that walking to the store would be fine. My slippy shoes and non-waterproof gloves told me it might be a little more uncomfortable than previously thought.

3. Even with cable there is nothing on...thank god for wireless internet. I see a game of Civ in my future.

4. Living alone has it's downside. Not that I'm unhappy right now (master of your domain is not to be sneezed at) but it would be a little more interesting to have company at this point.

5. My cat is the cutest thing ever! I tried to let him out on the balcony to see what he would do with snow and he gave me a pointed look that said "You have GOT to be kidding", turned tail, and curled up on the chair by the fire. Smart boy.

6. The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow is one of the greatest albums ever.

7. I've heard conflicting stories. That this is all supposed to be gone by tomorrow afternoon or it will last through wednesday... this BETTER not affect me seeing Bono and the boys tomorrow evening. I might have to walk to the Rose Garden.

8. I hate folding laundry. Doing it is fine. Folding it when done bugs me. I think it was working retail in the early 90's. To quote Reality Bites "People don't know. They don't know what it takes."


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