And she was...

Friday, November 30, 2007

T'was the Night Before Tech Week

I actually wanted to write this parody and perhaps someday I will but for now, since there will be much silence on the blog front as I disappear into the theatre for the next 16 days (Reveling) I will leave you with this bit of humor to get you through:

Things Never Said in the Theatre

- Of course there's enough money to go around.
- Wow! We're under budget!
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- Wow, the designers were right on, weren't they?
- No, today is the tech rehearsal; we'll re-work that scene later.
- I think the scene changes are too fast.
- I really can't take credit for that; it was all the crew.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- It looks as though there'll be time for a third dress rehearsal.
- Take your time getting back from break.
- No, I called that perfectly the first time - let's move on.
- Wow! These are wonderful headsets! I just love them.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- Of course all of my drawings were turned in on time.
- Yes, it absolutely is my fault that the set looks awful.
- You know, you might have a point there.
- The director is right, obviously I wasn't giving him what he wanted.
- We have too many gel colors in stock, I can't choose.
- The shop will have the costumes ready on time.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- This is the most complete and informative set of drawings I've ever seen.
- We built it right the first time.
- No problem, I'll deal with that right away.
- I love designers.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- Let's not talk about me.
- I really think my big scene should be cut.
- This costume is SO comfortable.
- No problem, I can do that for myself.
- I'm sure someone told me there was a wall there, I just forgot.
- Without the crew the show would never run - let's thank them.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

- There's room for that over here.
- No, no. I'm sure that is our job.
- All the tools are carefully locked away.
- Can we do that scene change again please?
- I think we have too many people on this crew.
- No thanks, I don't drink.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pic Tac Toe (Not-so-girly Edition)


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Funny Hat


Friday, November 23, 2007

What? We're HELPING...


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy We-Stole-Your-Land-and-Killed-Your-People Day!

But seriously folks. A happy holiday to you and yours.

O Lord that lends me life,
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.
~William Shakespeare

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Starting to get excited...

Not for Thanksgiving...

Not for Christmas...

But for next May when I get to see this in person:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I say "Its my Birthday!"

I was at rehearsal for 18 hours over the weekend and still managed to celebrate in high fashion. Other than the fact that I didn't photograph it well...I'd say the party was a rousing sucess.

The cake Melissa made was AWESOME!!!

The fact that I didn't do well with the camera might have something to do with the jello I was was particularly lovely blue rasberry with rasberry vodka and blue curacao.

But there were many a great costume. I'm hoping others did better than I because I don't even have a good shot of me and my hat. I went as I'LL FOLLOW THE SUN and wore a top hat with dowel attached and sun hanging from the end. There was a bit of a weight distibution issue but I was still pleased with the look and I made it through the party without taking anyone's eye out.

I'll have to expand on this post when I manage to get some photos that illustrate the best costumes but in the meantime a HUGE shout out to Quinn (Revolution #9) and the Eggman (her Spouse) for hosting the party at their place.

I couldn't have done it without A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Pic-Tac-Toe (Girly edition)


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me?

So, I lost my mind last night and bought a car (the Honda Fit as shown above). I've never owned a NEW new car. I've been driving a 1990 Toyota Corolla since 1995. I was in a bit of a fender bender (bumper got brused and I was a little sore the next day but that was it) two weeks ago and have been keenly aware of the lack of safety features in that car since.

My father got another 1990 Corolla (same colour even) about a year after I got mine and his is not in good shape. Needed more work into it than the car is worth so we began car shopping together. We fell in love with the same car. So, with the help of consumer reports my dad negotiated a fantastic deal...Yay, dad.

So, while I go drive around a lot, you wonderful people need to tell me his/her/its name.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pic Tac Thursday


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I heart Portland

Even our graffiti rocks. I have a framed photo I took in college (not spray paint, my guess was charcoal or something because it didn't last all that long) that was a slab of granite that simply said "I like you". Awwwww. I never thought I'd find something better. But I did.
The newest addition I see every time I walk over the Hawthorne Bridge to go to paddling practice. (YES, I'm STILL paddling...We have lights. And coats). Tonight I remembered to bring my camera. Just as you begin crossing from the west side you see this:

And then about 3 quarters of the way over you see this:

Not to mention as I was taking the second picture I was passed by a biker (we have ever so many) who didn't yell in typical fashion but said politely
"On your left, dear"
Yes, my dear Portland, you are so cool.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's all in the numbers...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Getting along

Yup. Celia and Miranda are doing just fine...


Thursday, November 01, 2007


Ok, I asked for it:

Sometimes, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.
I don't think this one is all that hard but let's see, shall we?
